Dazzling Blog

My personal blog and sometimes diary


A little rambling about reboots.


I always see tv shows that I remember from my childhood being recreated for current modern times, and every time, I just roll my eyes and sigh. They always end up not being better than the original, or just not good at all.

Honestly, I never really understood the idea of rebooting an IP, especially if the original wasn't bad in the first place. Things are easier to preserve nowadays more than ever, so anyone can watch, play, or read anything that is from 70 years ago of someone wants to. Be it a television show, a video game series, or books even, I never really understood why remake something with low effort anyway.

Well, only one reason...


Since it's so blatantly obvious it's just trying to use nostalgia for earning easy money, I always feel like it's emotionally manipulating people, reminding people of "the good times".

I don't like the idea of making people give me money for obviously cashing in on people's nostalgia of anything I create, it feels often cheap and lazy. I'm hoping there are more people that can create new and original ideas and release them to the world so this isn't the only thing that keeps happening with modern entertainment.

I want to create something new

Yes, I know that takes time and no one person can create some big, new, and original series or franchise in a few days, months, or even years, but creating something new is always something I want to do. Even if the story isn't so amazingly breathtaking, I want to create. That's my goal in life.

Most of my inspirations comes from anime and manga, because they have unique story and writing sometimes. There's certain tropes and key elements that I want to implement into my work, because they are somewhat different from the usual tropes I see. Maybe it's because I mostly see American television and it just feels unoriginal due to seeing those same American tropes over and over again?

Well, yeah.

But, I want to create something different. Not from any existing IP, just something I create from my own little head. From scratch. Create new characters, new places, and new stories.

It's also not bad to add popular tropes to one's work, and I never understood why there are people that complain about tropes that are being used because they recognized them. It's only bad if one only uses popular tropes and not using them correctly. It's good to use tropes and put a spin to it and make it unique to one's own work. Being 100% original with everything is impossible. If one thought of one idea, someone else has already thought about it at one point in time. 2 minutes ago or 200 years ago, but that's not a bad thing.

One thing I also absolutely despise in any kind of work, is bring real life politics and agendas into ones work where it isn't relevant. randomly bringing up patriarchy or phobia of any kind that isn't phobias like the dark or spiders, doesn't make any kind of work fun. It just comes off as extremely preachy for the sake of being extremely preachy. People want to enjoy a person's work for escaping from their own problems in their life and want to be invested in this other world that they've created. Escapism isn't bad and is actually good for people if being done in a healthy way. Yes there are people that do think escapism is bad because "you are avoiding people's suffering and are being selfish" or... something...

Concluding, because I'm talking too much lol

I think I'm running on for too long and well, I know what I'm talking about, and hopefully, everyone else reading this understands too. I hope for more original projects that think outside the box and be entertaining for people, and I want to achieve that with my stuff.

☆♥Thanks for reading! See ya!♥☆

Posted on 2022/02/11


